@jwleaks Australia!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
"May I have a copy of the 'Child-safegaurding policy' letter please?"
by stuckinarut2 inso as we all know, the australian royal commission has it on record that a "child safegaurding policy" document was produced hurriedly at the tail end of the australian royal commission.. the commission was told by the society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".. the commission quizzed the brothers as to whether it would "be freely handed out, or simply handed to those who requested it".
either way, it was to be freely available.. so imagine the surprise of one our fellow faders who attended a kh yesterday to ask for a copy!.
she politely and respectfully asked the brother at the door for a copy.
"May I have a copy of the 'Child-safegaurding policy' letter please?"
by stuckinarut2 inso as we all know, the australian royal commission has it on record that a "child safegaurding policy" document was produced hurriedly at the tail end of the australian royal commission.. the commission was told by the society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".. the commission quizzed the brothers as to whether it would "be freely handed out, or simply handed to those who requested it".
either way, it was to be freely available.. so imagine the surprise of one our fellow faders who attended a kh yesterday to ask for a copy!.
she politely and respectfully asked the brother at the door for a copy.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
By simply approaching your congregational elders for a copy of this document, you instantly "out" yourself as someone who watched the commission and knows too much about the Society. You instantly raise a red flag over your head for the elders to clearly see and hone in on. Puts the sincere congregation member at high risk for suspected apostasy :(.
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Diogenesister Do I want to know her name? F*CK YES.
Strictly for research purposes.
Not. #closetpervert
Family Insists on Having Relationship with My Child -_-
by Cimarrona inhi gang, i'm a single mother of an 8 month old baby boy.
i've been df'd for over six years now.
my parents are super dubs and most of my siblings are dubs (on paper - a couple have been inactive my entire life but still claim to believe) with the exception of a brother who was never baptized.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Hey @Cimarrona, I've posted this before, but will paste an excerpt of an email I've sent to my parents using the Bible to debunk the disfellowshipping arrangement enforced by WT. You referenced Paul's words in your post, so hopefully this will give you some righteous indignation about where you stand with your family in regards to the scriptures:
"First scripture I implore you to re-read is Jon: 10b-11 “do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.”
For context, please go back just a few versus to verse 7: “For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.” Verse 10a reinforces this by saying "If anyone comes to to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes…”This is in reference to those who are KNOWINGLY denying the resurrection of Jesus Christ, or that he came in the flesh.The second scripture is 1Cor 5:11 “…stop keeping in company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.”Again, context is very import here. This verse is highlighting a special circumstance that the Corinthian congregation was faced with: Verse one of chapter five refers to the man who is sexually immoral with his father’s wife and living with her. This is the person acting as if they were are brother, carrying on as though they were doing nothing wrong and, ultimately, acting like a hypocrite. And notice - in spite all of that - nowhere does this account instruct not to say a greeting to such a person. It’s simply saying not associate with him as normal because he is doing something very disturbing. Another detail to take note of: the scripture says, “But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother--” so when one decides to leave the WT organization, they are no longer considered a “brother” or sister. How can this apply to ones who have disassociated? This scripture has nothing to do with refusing to say a greeting to these people in public or shunning them even in private (refusing contact).The custom/tradition of disfellowshipping ones and the process of “applying for reinstatement” and undergoing a set period of time of “proving” oneself before contact can be made with family and loved ones is completely foreign to what the Bible teaches. One just has to consider the parable Jesus made about the Prodigal Son. His father saw the son returning from a distance and… subsequently sent three servants to sit with him, test him for repentance and gave him a full twelve months to sit outside the father’s home before even being acknowledged by his family? We both know that’s not how the account went. The father came running, fell upon his son and kissed him tenderly - in SPITE - of not knowing his heart condition. This is the essence of true Christian love, as taught by Christ. It is unconditional.As for sinners who still wish to belong to the organization, WT offers us this scripture from 2Thes 3:14 “But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter keep this one marked and stop associating with him, so that he may become ashamed.” Verse 15 reconciles this with “And yet do NOT consider him an enemy, but CONTINUE ADMONISHING HIM AS A BROTHER.” Contrast this with the coldness of shunning as practiced by the Society with video dramatizations and WT articles urging family to not even answer the phone if their disfellowshipped son/daughter/parent is calling. Remember, the Prodigal Son’s father saw his son from a LONG WAY OFF and didn’t have the indoctrinated reflex to turn his face the other way."If you show this reasoning/explanation of context to your family, the real test will be whether or not they genuinely follow God's teachings instead of those of men (the WT). -
O no!!! The HQ song
by Gorbatchov innever througt there would be a jw.org hq song.. they have become mad.. https://tv.jw.org/#nl/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-osg_40_video.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
First off, shout out to the Jennifer Beals lookalike in the sisters' section:
Meanwhile, over in the brothers' section:
Ah, yes. I remember what it was like to be a single sister in the Organization.
"ah yes Dad, do you mean those times when Jehovah made those mistakes and errors?"
by stuckinarut2 inso...while chatting with my ultra "spiritual elder" father on the phone this afternoon, i couldn't resist using that line!.
i had sent him that video of the recent convention showing brothers and sisters dancing to the "kingdom song" and waving their illuminated phones and arms in the air like some sort of revival church concert.
(perhaps someone can post that link to that thread again here?).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Careful dad - sounds like you're slowly being fashioned after this system of things. Satan works slowly, but cunningly. What was frowned upon years ago is now widely accepted. Like homosexuality. Like divorce rates. Like morphing into a Pentecostal super church.
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@WingCommander Lol, it's pretty unusual for celebrities to appear on the cover of Hustler (every cover girl is featured in an open-legged pictorial inside). Best bet is, it's just another adult model.
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Upvote for the retro Hustler cover as your avatar. -
Eavesdropping on a home Bible Study
by doubtfull1799 inmy mil held a bible study round to our place today and i was home so was interested to listen in from the next room to see what the quality of the study was like.
and whether the new clam meetings are helping jw’s to be better teachers at all.. .
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
You know, I've also listened in to my parents chat with their Bible studies and it has made my skin crawl; the use of manipulation and constant push, push, push to come to the meetings in order to make "real" friends...
You can almost see it happening - these study conductors are nothing but tiny cogs in the Watchtower machine, greasing up these new nuts and bolts with fake love, so as to make the GB's machination run more smoothly.
More bums in seats = more potential converts = more donations = more families destroyed.
My New Year Present to Everyone
by new boy ini have lived in sedona arizona for over five years.
we own the largest wine tour company here and take out more people to the vineyards in this area then anyone less.
so my new years present to anyone (governing body members excluded) here that reads this thread is 2 free wine tours if you visit sedona.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Keith, you are so nice! Wish we lived closer to say hi in person. Sending you a mighty big *clink* from the Southern Hemisphere :).